Non-Accredited, Primary Care Physician, Specialist, Allied Health ProfessionalBile Acid Sequestrants In The Management Of DyslipidemiaIdentify the need for combination therapy in dyslipidemia, describe the barriers...
177956Accredited, Primary Care Physician, Specialist, Allied Health ProfessionalDiabetes Cardiovascular Trials Update: A Heart to Heart Video ProgramGain an understanding of the landscape of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, discuss...
Non-Accredited, Primary Care Physician, Specialist, Allied Health ProfessionalTop 6 Questions in DiabetesIdentifying and selecting an add-on to metformin therapy in people with type 2 diabetes...
Non-Accredited, Primary Care Physician, SpecialistWhat’s New in the CCS Atrial Fibrillation GuidelinesThrough a review of the 2016 Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines Update, Dr. Paul Dorian...